All I know is...


"You Know I Am a Dreamer, But My Hearts of Gold"

Man, that's a great "Crue" song. It's running through my head right now. And let me guess, your's, too? Lucky!!! My favorite, though, is "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)". To be an 80's hair band, their lyrics weren't too bad. And you know you slow danced at least once to this one....."Without You".

In a Lexington Herald Leader sports article, Tubby Smith said he told his team to treat this Wednesday's game with Georgia as the first game of the season.

"A clean slate..."

Yeah, right. Maybe he can convince his tired tribe of terribles that this will be the first game of the season, but not me. There's not enough grape Kool-Aid in Jonestown, Guyana to make me forget about the way this season has progressed.

"The only way to hold them accountable now," he said. "I guess we're going to reinvent or rejuvenate ourselves."

Does this mean Tubby is accepting the blame for the condition of the basketball program? Is he saying that maybe it is not Bubba Sparks and Saul Jr.'s (a.k.a. Rondo) fault? O-Tub also refers to his situation as "we're" and "ourselves". It sounds as if someone has a froggy in his pocket. How about you, Mr. Smith? Ribbit. He's just like any other sports coach under Mitch Barnhart, not held accountable for anything.

Joel and Alex, I am coming to see you guys Saturday after we watch UK's game at Mom and Dad's house, so get ready. Joel, whatever CD's you have of mine, i.e the Gray Goose Collection, David Alan Coe, and others, I am coming to get them.

Peace and Happy Valentines Day.


  • I've missed enough games now that I'm pretty much unqualified to discuss it with anyone living in Kentucky. I can still sound informed talking to misguided Illini fans though.

    Pretty good lyrics? The Crue? Wow... I think Beth has more influence than I thought.

    Regulators... mount up.

    By Blogger Chase Abner, at 2/16/2006 5:26 PM  

  • Sounds to me like you need to move a little closer. Tell those Illini fans that there was only one real Dee Brown and he dunked with his arm in front of his face.

    You don't have those CD's you made for me a couple of years ago, do you? The Grey Goose Collection? I thought Joel Sonyea had them, but he said he didn't have them. Beth played them more than I did (*Note* I did not say appreciated them more than I). She was wanting to know where they were.

    I'm going down to check out Joel's pad this weekend and see his new flea bag cat. I guess I'll get dad to do my taxes while I'm there.

    I was on the other day and I saw that none other than the Breathitt County Outlaw was posting on that website as OH Napier. He was making people mad by promoting his website. He tries to get people to check it out and they're like "Uh,uh!"(Jack Black)

    "We got married in a fever,
    Hotter than a pepper sprout.
    We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson
    Ever since the fire went out,

    So I'm goin' to Jackson......"

    By Blogger J-Delicious, at 2/17/2006 8:41 AM  

  • The Grey Goose Collection... I don't have the CDs I made you, but I might still have the songs on my old Dell that I haven't really used in a couple years. Do I need to make you some reprints?

    "Look out Jackson town."

    By Blogger Chase Abner, at 2/17/2006 10:30 AM  

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