All I know is...


Mary, Getchur Coat!

Congratulations Unit 899, a.k.a. Super Trooper Joel Abner. I thoroughly enjoyed the graduation and wish you the best as you embark on your new career. You made me nervous looking at you in your gray and blues. TUFF!

I believe that we need to have a family discussion about an extremely bad habit we share. It usually occurs after graduations. It is hard for me to say this, so I am just going to throw this out there like Ron Burgundy. "If you don't like it, just throw it right back." Family, we really need to get over everyone descending on Cracker Barrel all at once. It's hard on everyone involved--the wait staff, my nerves, the furniture, the facilities, etc... I know some of you feel the same way, admit it. You always complain about getting bad service. There's twenty of you, for crying out loud! That's all I will say about that. Discuss it amongst yourselves.

I am sad I will be unable to attend the Abner's Christmas Eve festivities this year. Being a newly married man, I will be in Southeastern Ohio (West Virginia) for the Rhodes' family Christmas. However, I will be in town for the Christmas Day dinner (how could I miss) on Lost Creek. I am looking forward to the Rhodes Family Christmas experience. I bet Emma will be like the Tasmanian Devil--quite entertaining. Still, I am very sad to miss my family's shindig.

In leaving the post, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you get everything you want and your New Year's resolutions come to fruition. I am sure I will have some stories to tell after the holidays, so get ready and eat some figgy pudding! Advice for the post (something new I will try here): Don't ask Laura any questions about school.

P.S. Check out ya boy, Part III: The Son of Earp


  • Unfortunately, I'm missing the Christmas Eve festivities on the Abner Plantation. I'm sure the Andress shindiggery will be awesome, though. I too am descending for Christmas Day dinner. I'll see you then and will race you in eating myself stupid. The word on the street is dumplings.

    By Blogger Chase Abner, at 12/23/2005 12:14 AM  

  • You mean race me in eating ourselves stupid. I can eat all I want and not make you any stupider...unfortunately. That's right. Challenge! An eat-off, if you will. But....I will need a substitution for me. Beth, step up and take my place. Good luck, Cheesay. If I am going to die for a word, let my word be "dumplings".

    By Blogger J-Delicious, at 12/23/2005 9:37 AM  

  • Hey, I finally uploaded those wedding pictures! The album is at

    To see a picture larger, just click on it. You can also view them in slide show mode. I also have them larger if you want me to email you any.

    By Blogger Alisha, at 12/31/2005 12:35 AM  

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