All I know is...


Forum or Againstum?

Have any of you guys ever participated in or read an online forum? I have noticed that all the conversations mostly, if not always, transform into nasty insult contests. This, I ponder, is due to the differing opinions in the world? After all, it takes all kinds. No. It all boils down to the lack of intelligence it requires to access the internet.

So, you think you have an insightful thought to add to the conversation. You type a comment to, hopefully, provoke some more thought on the subject. You check the forum the next day to see what kind of response has developed from your comment. There are fifteen responses. The responses range from a contradictory “WHAT N THE HELL RU TALKIN ABOUT” to an ascending “AMEN”. None of the comments are concerning the conversation at hand. From there, the participants who have responded, either in a reinforcing note or defaming note, have declared World War III over your comment…and it’s all name calling. People are slamming each other with names and saying derogatory statements about one another that would make a merchant marine blush.

I don’t care if stardaZZler420 fornicates with woodland creatures. And it really is of no concern to me that BlueCHAOS diddles with his diddler in his mom’s basement until the sun comes up.

Enough already. What I have learned from observing these forums is that when people reply with personal attacks, it proves that they don’t have a leg to stand on in the argument…or one that they are aware of, anyway. I have learned that you don’t go into a battle of wits against an unarmed man. It makes you look worse than the idiot you are arguing against.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think I will ever stop reading forums, but I am definitely not going to join any more of them. A really funny forum to read is on a "Can Tubby Smith" website. I am sure you can guess the topic of conversations. I will give you a little background on this forum. There are a few University of Tennessee fans who have invaded the site and they really know how to get a few UK fans into a boil. The messages are pretty much the same on every thread, but the insults are always fresh. They occasionally get off-color, so you have been warned.

Will UK beat the Vols tonight? I think they will. Am I betting on it? NO!


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